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  • Büro
  • Enhancing Human Interactions By Design
  • Creating Customer Engagement By Design
  • Imagining Future Interactions By Design

Joan Kirner Women’s & Children’s Wayfinding Activation

Supporting families with seamless navigation for enhanced care experiences

Project Details
Bunurong, West Melbourne
Project Lead

Büro North’s wayfinding system at the Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s Hospital ensures families and patients can effortlessly navigate the state-of-the-art facility. Serving Melbourne’s growing western region, the hospital provides critical women’s and children’s services in a culturally diverse community.

Our user-centric design integrates clear, intuitive signage that guides visitors through the nine-storey hospital, accommodating birthing suites, paediatric wards, and specialist care areas. By enhancing accessibility and reducing confusion in high-stress environments, our wayfinding strategy contributes to a welcoming, supportive experience for both healthcare workers and the families they serve.