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  • Büro
  • Enhancing Human Interactions By Design
  • Creating Customer Engagement By Design
  • Imagining Future Interactions By Design

Bunjil Place Wayfinding Activation

Enhancing community interaction and accessibility through considered wayfinding

Project Details
City of Casey
Project Manager

Büro North’s user experience planning at Bunjil Place ensures that visitors of all ages can navigate the space with ease, enhancing their overall experience. Bunjil Place, a cultural hub that houses a library, theatre, art gallery, and community meeting spaces, required a wayfinding strategy that would cater to a diverse audience.

Büro North undertook detailed user research and analysis to understand the specific needs and behaviors of visitors, ranging from families and students to elderly patrons. This informed the development of a clear, consistent signage system that seamlessly guides people through the various zones of the center. Using visual cues, intuitive layouts, and user-friendly language, Buro North’s design facilitates easy orientation and movement, allowing visitors to focus on engaging with the rich cultural offerings of Bunjil Place. The result is a more inclusive, welcoming environment that strengthens community connection and enhances the use of public spaces.