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  • Büro
  • Enhancing Human Interactions By Design
  • Creating Customer Engagement By Design
  • Imagining Future Interactions By Design

Mall of Dubai Experience Design, Wayfinding Activation

Enhancing shopper engagement with dynamic, data-driven wayfinding solutions

Project Details

Büro North partnered with EMAAR to design a flexible and responsive wayfinding system for the Mall of Dubai. Focused on improving the shopping experience, the solution integrates dynamic digital signage to align promotions and information with visitor behaviors.

By analyzing patterns such as time of day and day of the week, the wayfinding system provides relevant offers and directions that enhance both shopper convenience and engagement. The digital-first approach enables real-time updates, ensuring that visitors always have access to the most relevant information.

This strategy not only supports retail opportunities but also improves overall navigation throughout the expansive mall. By simplifying movement through the space, Büro North’s solution enhances the customer experience, making shopping more intuitive and enjoyable for all visitors.