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  • Büro
  • Enhancing Human Interactions By Design
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Falls Creek Case Studies, Wayfinding Activation

Bespoke system design that optimizes navigation with a focus on sustainability and seasonal adaptability

Project Details
Jaitmatang, Falls Creek
Falls Resort Management
Daniel Columbo
Project Scope
Wayfinding Signage

Falls Creek Alpine Resort, nestled in the mountainous ranges of north-eastern Victoria, required a sophisticated wayfinding system to aid visitors in navigating the intricate ski resort. As the first alpine-based organization bench-marked by Green Globe 21, an international certification program for sustainable tourism, the resort needed an environmentally conscious solution.

Büro North developed a modular sign system that provided clear information in various directions to suit the resort’s complex village layout. This system prioritized maximum visibility of information while maintaining a minimal structural footprint.

With a distinctly European-ski-village feel, Falls Creek stands out as Australia’s only “ski-in, ski-out” village, allowing guests to ski directly to their chalet doors. To ensure the design met the unique challenges of the site, we spent weeks on location, interviewing stakeholders and immersing ourselves in the environment. The variable terrain, extreme weather conditions, and seasonal changes presented significant design challenges. The system needed to withstand harsh winter chills, category-two winds, and the summer sun while adapting to the seasonal operation of different facilities.

Along with seasonal variation, the signage had to cater to a diverse range of users, including local residents, non-English-speaking tourists, maintenance staff, once-off visitors, and regulars, all engaging in activities like skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, and bushwalking.

The resultant signage system is made up of two modular sand-cast aluminum components—short and tall—designed to slide over standard street poles and lock together, allowing for various configurations. The sand-cast aluminum includes an inbuilt locking mechanism, enabling on-site information and wayfinding changes to address the seasonal requirements.

The sand-casting method, rather than traditional fabrication, offered significant sustainability, recyclability, and Design for Disassembly benefits while ensuring a stable, durable material ideal for freezing winter conditions. The rational, context-driven design approach has produced a wayfinding system that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, perfectly suited to its unique alpine environment.


“the team were exceptional in thinking outside the box to develop a strategic and design solution that met our unique needs, and looks lovely in the landscape”

Karyn Scott
Falls Creek, Visitor Experience Coordinator

From detailed design, to 3D printed prototype, onto sand-casting and machined final components the process between Büro North and Schiavello was incredibly collaborative and efficient.